Here goes...
My God is mighty to save and I have witnessed that first hand in the land of Philippines.
In the last five weeks, over 43 000 people have heard the good news and more than half have made professions. I do hope I can share more about what God has shown and taught me there in future posts. But my question is, "Do we today, know this same God personally? The God who performed miracles? The God who answered prayers so marvellously?"
In the last five weeks, over 43 000 people have heard the good news and more than half have made professions. I do hope I can share more about what God has shown and taught me there in future posts. But my question is, "Do we today, know this same God personally? The God who performed miracles? The God who answered prayers so marvellously?"
Why? Why can't we see the same things which happen in the Philippines happen here too in Singapore as well? The problem surely does not lie with God; the ball is in our court.
What is holding God back from opening His floodgates of revival and blessing here in our homeland?
I believe the answer lies in faith.
"For without faith, it is impossible to please Him"
It is in simply taking small steps of faith that we will come to know our God in a more personal and experiencial manner.
You want to see miracles?
You want to know God for who He truly is?
then, what are you waiting for?
take a step out of the boat!
Hey Christians (myself included),
are we simply contented to warm our seats every Sunday?
are we satisified because we belong to a church that has mission work in 5 different countries?
What are we doing about our country? our homeland? Singapore?
But so we say, "oh, their hearts are so hardened. They don't need God."
Wait a minute, Jesus died for them on the cross too.
God loves them so much and He wants to save them.
But He needs us to cooperate with Him and to be His mouthpiece.
Enough is enough.
Wake up! Wake up mel.
By faith, take a step out of the boat, keeping your eyes on Jesus.
Enough of waiting for others to start an outreach here, an outreach there.
You see the need, what are you going to do about it? What am i going to do about it?
Talk is cheap. Let's take action now, by the grace of God.
I want to take this step, now what?Pray and seek the Lord's mind.
Ask Him, Lord, how would you like me to reach out to my family, to my unsaved friends around me?
"But we have the mind of Christ." (1 Cor 2:16)
Don't pray till the rapture, after praying, take action!
The Lord has given us many avenues to reach our generation. Let's be creative, dream big!
-Student Hostels
-An open door already in YMCA
-1 room flats in Jalan Kukoh (Rem, the poor are rich in faith!)
-Going to playground to share with helpers and mums the gospel.
The Bible says: "Ask, and it will be given you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you." Matt 7:7
How will we know if the door is open if we do not knock?
Let's start knocking. ;)
It always starts with one - one who decides to go all the way with God.
Lord, help.