Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Don't Forget

Don't forget all He's done,
Don't forget victory's won.
Don't forget in the race He gave strength for the run.
Don't forget Jesus' care,
Don't forget answered prayer.
Don't forget, Don't forget, you saw His hand everywhere.

Remember your Lord God Jehovah,
Remember how much you were changed by His Word.
Forget not the days, He taught you to praise
though hard seemed the way of the Lord.
Remember how far that He took you,
when He gave you a hunger to abide.
Oh don't turn Him away,
He bids you to stay,
stay where you belong at His side.

How the time has gone by,
and the memories have died.
I've forgotten the joy when in Him I abide.
How I long for that day,
when His strength was my stay.
Lord forgive, Lord renew, Lord revive me today.

This song never fails to stir up nostalgic emotions within me. However, it just dawned on me recently. You know the phrase "Don't let the past cripple you"? I never thought it would apply to me. Bcos I viewed it for people who had an unpleasant past, not for people who had a pleasant past. But seeing it in a different light, how much now I need to beware not to let the past cripple me!
I have very fond memories of the past, in a spiritual sense, maybe also in a sense of my childhood-but we shall not go there for now. God has been very merciful to put in me a hunger for the things pertaining to Him at a young age. Somewhere between 10-12, God allowed me to see what I really should be living for in life. I realised that getting a job, earning big bucks, driving a fancy car and staying in a big house is not what i really want to do later in life. Bcos to me, it doesn't count much for eternity. If we all lived in the light of eternity, I wonder how differently we would be living our lives now. I decided then, that I want to give back the one life to God that He has given me to count for eternity. Not saying that getting a job in the secular world like becoming a doctor or lawyer is not right. We need good Christian doctors and lawyers to evangelise their circle of friends. All of us have different mission fields. Maybe I would call it convictions? I'm convicted that I want to use all my energy, strength and life to serve God, to advance His Kingdom, to be in the King's business. All because He is my Lord and I love Him. (:

okayy, sorry i digressed abit, back to where i was about fond memories. Just monday, was talking with Jo En about how the gang used to wear dresses and sports shoes to Sunday School, that was coolness then alright! haha. How we would love to be on duty for coffee ministry cos we could be excused from Sunday School early! ahaha. And I remember how Jaq would bring cut fruits for us to eat after class, Aunty Alice would bring all of us to macs for Sunday School. ahaha. Jo Lin, Jo En, Charm, Bao, if ever you read this, you'll know what I'm talking about man. haha. Well, I remeber Pastor Rob Campbell and team coming from the States for one of the Youth Camp's that we had long ago. I remeber David and Michelle from the team who were really nice to me. (: wonder how there're doing. I remember too at another Youth Camp, Evangelist Morris Gliser. That would be one camp I wouldn't forget. I was in Pulau Sudong if I'm right. I remeber the Life in the Spirit Course with Ian and Anne, the bonds forged from then on. Sweet memories. I remember the movie night and how I wished I was older so more of my friends could come, because it was at night and many of my friends parents wouldn't let em out at night. ahaha. that's funny, cos now when i'm older, I somehow don't have the courage and thick skin-ness to go and ask my whole class and all my friends in school Looking back, that definatly was the Lord. No, not melody. mel wouldn't go round her whole school asking people to come to her church for a movie night. nope, that is so not mel.

You see, there is a danger here, which i think i have been gulity off. and that is to harp on the past, to look back at how everything was so nice in the past, limiting God to do great and mighty things NOW. God wants to work, but bcos I keep looking back, it's hard for me to see God work NOW, it's hard for me to realise that God wants to work. He wants to do even greater things than what He did in time past, if only i'd look forward with a confidence in Him!

Dear God, please help me not to let the past cripple me. Thank You for the past. I want to believe that You want to do even greater things now. Please let me not limit Your work by my looking back. I love You.

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