Tuesday, June 16, 2009

it's so good to blog again. (:

I've actucally got lots to say and share about my family holiday to the Philippines and the church camp in Melaka. i'll be doing that in my subsequent posts, so stay tuned!

For now, i've got a new addition to the blog, its the book of the week and book in the pipline colum at the left hand side below the tagboard. i've long had the desire to read books, and so to encourage myself to read, i've decided to read one book a week [of course, also looking at the number of pages ;) ] and i'll do a lil review everytime i finish the book to share abit about the gist of it and lessons learnt. ;)

so far in the "Your Passport to Heaven" book, i've cleared a misconception i've had since young and that is that we'll be in Heaven forever. when i say Heaven, i mean, i think of this cloudy place where everything is white, the streets - gold...

This is what Randy Alcorn said and i quote "What we usually think of when we hear the word Heaven is the present Heaven, or the intermediate Heaven. If we're Christians, that's where we go when we die. It's the place where we'll live until our bodily resurrection. Our Christian loved ones who've died are now in the present, intermediate Heaven. But that's not the place where we'll live forever. Our eternal home, where God will come down to dwell among His people, is called the New Earth (Revelation 21:1-3)."

To leave you with a quote which i found on PC's blog-a big mission : "How could I spend the best years of my life in living for the honours of this world, when thousands of souls are perishing every day?" CT Studd

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