okay, i had the inspiration to blog some days ago. but i didn't have the time.
now i have the time, still have the inspiration, but its not as strong. ahaha.
Homeschooling: one step forward, two steps back. i seriously empthise with people who owe huge debts. it seems never ending. haha.
let's look on the brighter side! :D
God has been doing a work in my heart! and i thank Him for that!
i now want to KNOW Him. I want to know the very person of Jesus!
you know the Christian life has so many things, so many terms, so many people-
Faith, Revival, Brokeness, Prayer, Abiding, Repentance
Jesus, the Holy Spirit...
i've often wondered to myself, so what is that ONE key that 'unlocks' the rest?
what is the ONE thing i should focus on, give all my energy to.
i think i may have found it;
i've found it in the person of JESUS CHRIST.
think about it. the focal point in History: Jesus
the famous saying: "it's all about -Jesus"
its, Jesus. what Pastor Paul concludede the msg on Sunday with still sticks with me.
Philippians 3:4-12
4Though I might also have confidence in the flesh. If any other man thinketh that he hath whereof he might trust in the flesh, I more:
5Circumcised the eighth day, of the stock of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, an Hebrew of the Hebrews; as touching the law, a Pharisee;
6Concerning zeal, persecuting the church; touching the righteousness which is in the law, blameless.
7But what things were gain to me, those I counted loss for Christ.
8Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ,
9And be found in him, not having mine own righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith:
10That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death;
11If by any means I might attain unto the resurrection of the dead.
12Not as though I had already attained, either were already perfect: but I follow after, if that I may apprehend that for which also I am apprehended of Christ Jesus.
That's in Paul's context. Now let's apply it to my life, a paraphrase of Phil 3:4-12:
I may have alot of stuff I can be proud about:
I was born in a Christian Family. My dad's a pastor. Saved at the age of 3. Have always been the guai girl (haha!) yadayadayada....
But I count all these things as useless! Rubbish! they pale in comparision to knowing Christ! Knowing Christ who is Lord of my life. And that I may be righteous in Him by faith.
Oh that I may know Him. Not know about Him! but to truly know Him, to know Jesus as He really is and to be all He said he would be.
Not only to know Him, but to know the power of His resurrection, this same power that worketh in me.
And also to know His sufferings. To have a share in His sufferings, becoming like him in his death.
Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already been made perfect, Im far from perfect. But I press on to know Jesus just as how He knows me through and through.
i've been thinking alot about Knowing Christ recently.
Jesus, i want to know You. I've had enough of knowing about You. Now I want to know You in a real and personal way. I thank You for Your promise that if I draw near to You, You will draw near to me. I love You.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
i know, im supposed to be studying now. :/ woops. but i K.Oed the moment i reached home at 2 just now. anyway, i hope to make this a short one. a quick one.

During my solo 5-week volunteer trip to Nepal on the Mission Internship Training Experience programme by Methodist Missions Society this January in 2006, I saw how various ministries and homes had shed light onto the lives of orphans and women who were abused, widowed or destitute. I grew to respect the people who saw their sacrifice to look after the poor and orphaned as merely an “adjustment”. This book is a small effort of mine to make their jobs a little bit easier, and a tribute to their dedication and love for the less fortunate. It is my prayer that they will be always feel encouraged and continue in their good work. As a product of some of my dreams realized, I hope this book will be an inspiration to youths in particular, who dream of stepping out to make a difference to the lives of others. With much prayer and hard work, many things are possible.
Education is the key to stepping out of poverty. It gives children hope, esteem and a future. Thank you for giving another child in a third world country the chance to receive the care and attention needed for a decent education. Your love has given them a chance at realizing their dreams.
I stopped eating for 2 days.
and I'm amazed
and I'm amazed
at the way i've stopped to grow.
and what amazed me more is the way im rotting on the inside.
though nothing on the outside seems to have changed, its something only i know.
its funny cos I dun seem to be hungry :(
i don't like this 'feeling', this distance between Us.
i want to come back. i know i can.
there's just this barrier between us.
its not like we haven't been talking.
its just that i haven't had time or maybe i should say (haven't MADE the time)
to sit at your feet and listen to what you have to say.
so Lord, i pray, please tear down this barrier of laziness, unbelief
and all that stops me from drawing close to You.
give me a hunger, a consuming hunger for Your Word.
help me to be faithful and consistent in spending time with You.
help me to be faithful and consistent in spending time with You.
im sorry for the time i abandoned You.
i love You and want to love You more.
please teach me how.
well well, went to the sin seh yesterday to get my jaw fixed, so now its fixed! yay! and i can eat all i want. gaga. no la, just kidding. well, came across something yesterday that deeply chalenged my heart. while waiting for my turn at the sin seh, i went to cornerstone's bookshop -faithworks to check out the books there. saw a cute little book entitled "KiteSong" and beside it i saw a paper saying that the money collected from the sale of this book, and a cd would go to needy children in Nepal and Cambodia. so i was like-oh, okayy. but what really challenged me was when i read the book, i came to the end and this is what it said:

"Words from the Author:
This book is my gift to you, and my way of saying a sincere word of thanks for your compassion and love for needy children around the world. Like many of you, the burden of third world children has weighed on my heart. I had been writing regularly to an 18 year-old Cambodian girl, Somaly, whom I had met on a Youth Expedition trip to Cambodia in 2004. She was a bright and diligent girl, full of hopes for a future better than her farmer parents’ plight. While I myself was preparing for my A-level examinations, however, I received a letter from her. Her hopes for a university education were dashed as “my mother is ill, I have to harvest everyday… There is no rain and still there is no rain.” Being financially, physically and mentally strained, Somaly was eventually hospitalized for a few days. My attempts to coordinate a sponsorship for her higher education failed at the time but it is my hope that through this project, many children like her would have a chance at receiving an education they would otherwise be deprived of.
During my solo 5-week volunteer trip to Nepal on the Mission Internship Training Experience programme by Methodist Missions Society this January in 2006, I saw how various ministries and homes had shed light onto the lives of orphans and women who were abused, widowed or destitute. I grew to respect the people who saw their sacrifice to look after the poor and orphaned as merely an “adjustment”. This book is a small effort of mine to make their jobs a little bit easier, and a tribute to their dedication and love for the less fortunate. It is my prayer that they will be always feel encouraged and continue in their good work. As a product of some of my dreams realized, I hope this book will be an inspiration to youths in particular, who dream of stepping out to make a difference to the lives of others. With much prayer and hard work, many things are possible.
Education is the key to stepping out of poverty. It gives children hope, esteem and a future. Thank you for giving another child in a third world country the chance to receive the care and attention needed for a decent education. Your love has given them a chance at realizing their dreams.
Wai Jia August, 2006"
If that was it, it would have moved me but not as much as when i saw in the next line that
"Wai Jia is a 19 year old girl who grduated from VJC and is now studying to become a medical doctor. She hopes on day to be a missions doctor."
Wow! that blew my mind. she was 19 when she drew the book and helped in a huge way the publishing of that book. That deeply challenged me. Young as she is, she was doing whatever she could to help better the lives of children in another third-world country. She didn't need to, but this is the love, the love of God which overflows from a heart abiding in Him.
Sometimes i wonder, is there more that we can do to impact the lives of others, or are we just stasfied with our lives at status co, living in our comfort zone while there are many out there (people whom we haven't heard of, situations which we haven't seen) who are suffering in povery and would very much be blessed and happy if someone came along to encourage them, give them education to get out of the poverty cycle..
i wonder....
This is Wai Jia's blog: http://kitesong.blogspot.com/
some of her posts blessed my heart, especially the one about the potter on March 26, 2009.
and i can also relate to her post on April 12, 2009. how at times, i doubt God's calling and question it. :/ haha.
The website which talks more about the kitesong project is: http://kitesongproject.wordpress.com/
Saturday, April 18, 2009
God is so good,
God is so good,
God is so good,
He's so good to me.
(: God is so so so good!
Today has been an awesome day. I know i should be slping soon, tmr is the Lord's Day.
This morn was amazing, i jumped out of bed at 7.40am. that is so unlike me! ahaha! expecially since i slept at 2 plus last night. but i thank God i woke up, so that i could start the day with Him. Sitting at His feet and listening to Him. It was a great time I had with God. He thought me 7 lessons from Matthew 12-14. but one thing that really stood out was Matthew 13:58. God just rebuked me. rebuked me at my unbelief. O thou of little faith, wherefore dids't thou doubt?
Matthew 13:58 reads ' And he did not many mighty works there because of their unbelif'.
the context here is A prophet is without honour in His own country. Jesus had went back to His own country, very willing and ready to do mighty works there. but he could not. it's not that He didn't want to. He simply could not. why? cos of the people's unbelief. I see myself in this situation so much. Unbelief. How much God wants to do mighty works in my life, my family, the sec 1 & 2 group, the Uth Ministry, GLCC, this nation-but He can't, cos of my unbelief. cos of our unbelief. at times i stop to wonder and think, do i really know whom I'm coming before in prayer. do i really know what im saying, what im praying? i dun think i do. Cos If I would really see God as He really is and to believe Him to be all He said He is, wow! my life would be alot different. my approach towards prayer, everything would be differnet. Oh may we learn to see God as He is and live accordingly.
that just gripped me. but i pray that it would not just be something that hits me for a day. may i make changes in my life to apply what i've learned.
After spending time with God, i went down to have breakfast. on the way up i saw Denise sitting at the void deck below my block waiting for English tuition to start. glad that i could get a chance to catch up with her a little. went home and had to run some errands for my mum that's why i was late for morn prayer. raaahhhh. i don't like to be late! had a good time of morn prayer. went down with Jia Wen for a time of sharing and prayer. haha! we had such a good time talking that time seemed to fly by so so fast! like more than one hour but it didn't seem that long. but i was really encouraged by the conversation with Jia Wen. i was asking about her feedback on the sec 1 & 2 group. She said that she preferred to come for Uth Worship then the activity, so i was quite interested to know why. She said that she likes Uth Worship, when i asked her why, she said she likes to hear what Ian shares. Wow! i was blown away. then she continued and said that its cos she wants to grow deeper. (: i was like PRAISE GOD! (in my heart) i just thank God for little encouragements like these. that young as they may be, sec 1, sec 2, they have the desire and hunger for the things of God. to grow deeper in Him! oh may i point these young ones to Christ, to the one who loves them so much more than i ever can, to the one who laid down His life for them!
in our sharing, we also talked about a gal whom i've met before, she came to Uth Worship once. well, the sharing just impressed upon my heart, the need and hunger for LOVE in the youth of today. actually, hasn't it always been the case? don't we all one to know that we are loved? that we are secure and that someone cares for us? this is especially strong amongst youths and if they aren't pointed to the true LOVE, then they will result to all sorts of means. gangs. smoking. steady relationships. whatever. as long as they know someone loves them and will be there for them. so something to sooth that pain, that emptinesss, that longing. well, all these may fill but for a moment. Only GOD can fill the longing soul. may we be pointing them to Him!
okay, its late. just one more thing. Just thank God too for being able to walk to the bus stop with Andrew Yip. Thanks Andrew for bring so open. thanks for the sharing.
well, many times i expect, we expect people around us to be just like us. what we must see is that every one is created unique. Each of us are special in God's sight. All of us are made different and some people just need more time to open up. More time before they may share their hearts with you, but meanwhile, patience is the key.
Tomorrow's gonna be a long day, I thank God for sustaining me through today with strength though i only had about 5 hours sleep. well, God please grant me strength to go through tomorrow too. Good night everyone! :D
God is so good,
God is so good,
He's so good to me.
(: God is so so so good!
Today has been an awesome day. I know i should be slping soon, tmr is the Lord's Day.
This morn was amazing, i jumped out of bed at 7.40am. that is so unlike me! ahaha! expecially since i slept at 2 plus last night. but i thank God i woke up, so that i could start the day with Him. Sitting at His feet and listening to Him. It was a great time I had with God. He thought me 7 lessons from Matthew 12-14. but one thing that really stood out was Matthew 13:58. God just rebuked me. rebuked me at my unbelief. O thou of little faith, wherefore dids't thou doubt?
Matthew 13:58 reads ' And he did not many mighty works there because of their unbelif'.
the context here is A prophet is without honour in His own country. Jesus had went back to His own country, very willing and ready to do mighty works there. but he could not. it's not that He didn't want to. He simply could not. why? cos of the people's unbelief. I see myself in this situation so much. Unbelief. How much God wants to do mighty works in my life, my family, the sec 1 & 2 group, the Uth Ministry, GLCC, this nation-but He can't, cos of my unbelief. cos of our unbelief. at times i stop to wonder and think, do i really know whom I'm coming before in prayer. do i really know what im saying, what im praying? i dun think i do. Cos If I would really see God as He really is and to believe Him to be all He said He is, wow! my life would be alot different. my approach towards prayer, everything would be differnet. Oh may we learn to see God as He is and live accordingly.
that just gripped me. but i pray that it would not just be something that hits me for a day. may i make changes in my life to apply what i've learned.
After spending time with God, i went down to have breakfast. on the way up i saw Denise sitting at the void deck below my block waiting for English tuition to start. glad that i could get a chance to catch up with her a little. went home and had to run some errands for my mum that's why i was late for morn prayer. raaahhhh. i don't like to be late! had a good time of morn prayer. went down with Jia Wen for a time of sharing and prayer. haha! we had such a good time talking that time seemed to fly by so so fast! like more than one hour but it didn't seem that long. but i was really encouraged by the conversation with Jia Wen. i was asking about her feedback on the sec 1 & 2 group. She said that she preferred to come for Uth Worship then the activity, so i was quite interested to know why. She said that she likes Uth Worship, when i asked her why, she said she likes to hear what Ian shares. Wow! i was blown away. then she continued and said that its cos she wants to grow deeper. (: i was like PRAISE GOD! (in my heart) i just thank God for little encouragements like these. that young as they may be, sec 1, sec 2, they have the desire and hunger for the things of God. to grow deeper in Him! oh may i point these young ones to Christ, to the one who loves them so much more than i ever can, to the one who laid down His life for them!
in our sharing, we also talked about a gal whom i've met before, she came to Uth Worship once. well, the sharing just impressed upon my heart, the need and hunger for LOVE in the youth of today. actually, hasn't it always been the case? don't we all one to know that we are loved? that we are secure and that someone cares for us? this is especially strong amongst youths and if they aren't pointed to the true LOVE, then they will result to all sorts of means. gangs. smoking. steady relationships. whatever. as long as they know someone loves them and will be there for them. so something to sooth that pain, that emptinesss, that longing. well, all these may fill but for a moment. Only GOD can fill the longing soul. may we be pointing them to Him!
okay, its late. just one more thing. Just thank God too for being able to walk to the bus stop with Andrew Yip. Thanks Andrew for bring so open. thanks for the sharing.
well, many times i expect, we expect people around us to be just like us. what we must see is that every one is created unique. Each of us are special in God's sight. All of us are made different and some people just need more time to open up. More time before they may share their hearts with you, but meanwhile, patience is the key.
Tomorrow's gonna be a long day, I thank God for sustaining me through today with strength though i only had about 5 hours sleep. well, God please grant me strength to go through tomorrow too. Good night everyone! :D
i know its late and i should be sleeping by now, but theres so much on my heart i've gotta let it out. (:
Afghanistan Algeria Bahrain Bangladesh Benin Bhutan Burkina Faso Cambodia Chad China Cyprus Djibouti Egypt Eritrea Ethiopia Gambia Gibraltar Greece Guinea Guinea-Bissau India Iran Iraq Israel Japan Jordan Korea, North Korea, South Kuwait Laos Lebanon Libya Macau Mali Malta Mauritania Morocco Myanmar (Burma) Nepal Niger Oman Pakistan Philippines Portugal Qatar Saudi Arabia Senegal Sudan Syria Taiwan Tajikistan Thailand Tunisia Turkey Turkmenistan United Arab Emirates Vietnam Western Sahara Yemen
today has been an eventful day. morn life in the Spirit at Ian's place, church, met Gwyn and back to church for Uth Worship, had dinner at Adams with Gwyn, Jessica and Claud then back to Gwyn's place with Claud. then a secret adventure. *winks.* and send Claud to the doorstep then home. home. ahh, its so good to be home, after this long day. its so good to be home, to be back in fellowship with God.
Was really really blessed by the sharing about Spiritual Gifts during Lits time.
We talked abt how do we discover our spiritual gifts?
-serving in various ministries
-serving in various ministries
-burdens and desires laid on our hearts
-prayer, asking the Holy Spirit to show us
-asking leaders around us
How do we then, develop our Spiritual Gifts?
-Eternity Focused
-Encourager (Discipleship)
i know there are 3 more E's but they can't come to my mind now and I dun have my lits book with me, so anyway, here are the 7 E's not really in order.
Well, though im not too sure and haven't really really confirmed my spiritual gifts, i shared with the group 3 burderns and desires on my heart. Admin, the Sec 1 & 2 gp and missions.
all of which i've had lies told to me. at times i believe them and then get discouraged. like so for example admin, i sometimes wonder, can't everyone take minutes? everyone can use the com, microsoft word, exel... but i learnt today that not every one can take succint minutes, there are somethings in life that only you can do. Thank God for the encouragement of the lits group not to undermine the little things in life. God says: be faithful in little things and i will make you a ruler over many. Mel, be faithful in little things.
And for the sec 1 & 2 group (yet to find a name), thank God for the burdern and desire He has placed in my heart to love them and reach out to them. I see them as the future generation. Youths able to turn the world the right side up, do great things for God. God, please give me a love for them. Your love for them. Love them through me. Increse the shepherd's heart You have placed in me for them. (:
And missions: wow, this was really encouraging, really really mind blowing. Ever wondered why Im a runner? why on earth do i run? running is so tourturous right? so painful. ouch! haha. u know i dun think i frankly ever loved running. maybe. okay, maybe only the time when i was peaking in Sec 2. then i loved it. but ever since. ever since i platued(however u spell it, u know what i mean), running has been a pain. but ive been pressing on, going strong..forcing myself to at least complete the four years in ss. cos i believe if God sees me to it, He'll see me through it. So im sure He has His reasons why i ended up in ssp. but well, all things work out together for good to them that love God and are called according to His purposes. a sharing by a dear brother this morn illumined my eyes and prolly answered the question ive always been asking as to why on earth am i running? why am i a runner. u know, its so not like me. I dun have the mental toughness to fight. I give up easily, im afraid of pain. so why run? haha. why run? you know why? running has given me exposure. not exposure to the running standard of other countries (though it has), but exposure to countries as to their language and culture, main religion and receptivness.
Ever heard of the 10/40 window. Research has shown that of the 55 least evangelized countries, 97% of their population lives within the Ten Forty Window.
These are the list of countries in the 10/40 window (and if u realise, there're all around and pretty near Singapore)

Afghanistan Algeria Bahrain Bangladesh Benin Bhutan Burkina Faso Cambodia Chad China Cyprus Djibouti Egypt Eritrea Ethiopia Gambia Gibraltar Greece Guinea Guinea-Bissau India Iran Iraq Israel Japan Jordan Korea, North Korea, South Kuwait Laos Lebanon Libya Macau Mali Malta Mauritania Morocco Myanmar (Burma) Nepal Niger Oman Pakistan Philippines Portugal Qatar Saudi Arabia Senegal Sudan Syria Taiwan Tajikistan Thailand Tunisia Turkey Turkmenistan United Arab Emirates Vietnam Western Sahara Yemen
You know cos of running, God has graciously allowed me to meet people from the countries in blue. And allowed me to go to the countries in red. No Philippines was a mission trip, but I went to Jordan and Thailand cos of running. Cos of running, i can travel and see different types of people. One of the most memorable trips was that of to Jordan. Cos its very near the middle east. I was very excited about the trip to Jordan. We stopped over at Dubai and took a flight to Amman Jordan. Hmm. the cute thing is that the buildings i saw were usually of the same colour - light brown of the colour of sand. it was seldolm that we saw painted buildings. and bcos our hotel was right beside a mosque, u can imagine. At i think 4 am plus in the morn, everyday, we would be awakened by the prayer call played through loud speakers at the side of the building. and the most most encouraging thing i found was the lissaon officers that were attached to our contingent. University students, English speaking, both girls were friends. But one was a Muslim, the other a Christian. I found it greatly encouraging that even in Jordan, there were Christians! Look at the bigger picture! God is sure in the work of saving souls... (: but it was sad to see few people out on the streets, mostly men cos the women had to stay home and friday afternoon was like a holiday. Shops would close, traffic would cease and there would be an endless line of vechicles parked outside the mosque for friday prayers. Even our bus driver parked the bus outside the mosque, left us in the bus and went in to pray. Its like, for a moment, time stands still at friday noon. that's about all i have to say about Jordan, missions and running...
oh wait, one more thing, just to mention before i call it a night. On the car on the way back from Claud's place home, my mum was talking to me about what she had just heard from a friend who came back for a hol from working overseas. Today, tonight is a significant day. Cos its the first time im hearing abit more about this country. and it just excites my heart. Laos. oh, Laos. hearing about this near yet far country warms my heart. why? cos i like challenges, i wanna be a trail blazer. Laos is a communist country. It is a dark country, very dark. there is no light. Only 3 churches in the whole of Laos. imagine - 3. and 2 are for the expraites, only 1, 1 for the locals. Majority of the people are buddist. speak Laos language and french. No or not much mission work i must suppose, only community work done there. Oh, how the people of Laos need to hear of the good news. How they need light to shine in the darkness that there're living in.
Will u pray with me for the people of Laos? Let's pray, shall we? (:
oh, and if you have yet to discover your Spiritual gift, pray and ask God. :) He will answer, He will show you, so ask Him. :D
Thursday, April 16, 2009
i've got a new found Hero of the Faith - Hudson Talyor! (:
as I read more and more of his biography (im two thirds through), i can only simply say wow! what a man of God! what faith in God he had. There's just so much i can say about his life. but one thing that has stuck me hard for now is his deisre to always and only 'to move man through God by prayer alone'. Oh, his love and hunger to be ever nearer still nearer to God. His faith in a God that answers prayer, His hunger for the word.
if only i can follow him just as he followed Christ!
Lord, may my love for You ever grow stronger and stronger. Teach me the secret of unceasing prayer. Draw me back to Thyself.
as I read more and more of his biography (im two thirds through), i can only simply say wow! what a man of God! what faith in God he had. There's just so much i can say about his life. but one thing that has stuck me hard for now is his deisre to always and only 'to move man through God by prayer alone'. Oh, his love and hunger to be ever nearer still nearer to God. His faith in a God that answers prayer, His hunger for the word.
if only i can follow him just as he followed Christ!
Lord, may my love for You ever grow stronger and stronger. Teach me the secret of unceasing prayer. Draw me back to Thyself.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
wow! This has been an amazing amazing past few days.
God has simply been so good! (:
People often have talked about the power of prayer and all, and just a few days back, I examined my life and realised that I did not truly believe in the power of prayer. Hence, I prayed and asked God to make the power of prayer real in my life, a personal knowledge, an experiencial knowledge that there really is power in prayer.
God has answered my prayer today.
Today, I saw the power of prayer. When I prayed and asked God to show me the power of prayer, I asked for the salvation of 4 souls- my god bro, Trevor, Eugene and Divya. God has answered 1/4 of this prayer thus far and I trust that this prayer will be answered completely real soon.
On thursday night, the day before Good friday, I was messaging my god-bro, in the midst, i asked him if he knew the meaning of Good friday. He didn't, so from there, I went on to explain the meaning of good friday and Easter Sunday. I shared the gospel to him through the reply. Our conversation on the things of God continued on to friday and even up till this morn. I saw that he understood the whole gospel, he said he did. So this morn he asked me what i meant when i told him 'i hope u'd think about what i've shared with you'. My reply was 'Do you believe that Jesus can and wants to save you from your sin?'.
His reply to my surprise was 'ya.' (O me of little faith!)
From this reply, I knew he was ripe, very very ripe for the salvation. All this was taking place as we were in our usual Uth Ministry prayer meeting on Sat morn and all the while, I was praying, pleading, begging God to save him. I then asked him if He would like to believe and trust in Jesus to save him from his sins now. His reply was maybe...then? So i told him the sinners prayer and added that the prayer does not save, it's the believe from the heart that saves. Upon telling him the sinners prayer, I kept kept praying in my heart that today will be the day of his salvation. I have never pleaded and begged God for a soul then today. At this point in the meeting, Ian was sharing about the groups in the ministry and about the various ministries and outreaches. But I simply couldn't concentrate on what Ian was saying. My soul was crying out to God for the salvation of a dear soul. Then the picture of how Daniel's reply from God was delayed bcos there was a battle going on in the Heavenlies. I imagined the same too for my god-bro. That there was an ongoing battle for his soul. I recalled to mind too, the account of the Africian Missionary and how 26 men prayed for him and were present with him in spirit that faithful night the African men wanted to kill him. God at this moment, was impressing upon my heart that I needed to pray for his salvaition. Yes, but wasn't I already praying? Wasn't I already pleading? No. God was saying, pray with your brothers and sisters in Christ present. There is power in prayer! There is power in the prayer of believers together. There were about 15 plus other people in the sancturay in that moment all obviblous to the internal struggle that went on within. Obviblous to the battle in the Heavenlies for the soul of my god-bro. Someone had to tell them, something had to be done! and something had to be done that very instant! I was hesistant bcos I didn't want to be rude to interput Ian as he was sharing. I waited and waited. Then Pastor Paul came in to ask Dawn to move her car and I jumped at this opportunity to request prayer for him as a body of believers. Ian graciously agreeed and asked me to pray. As I prayed, begged and pleaded, there was a moment in the prayer that I was quite certain that God had heard my prayer. He had answered our prayer. I ended the prayer and Ian carried on praying for him as well. I asked him if he had made the decision to believe in his heart in Jesus to save him from his sin and he said Yes! I inquired about what time he did so and it was about the time all of us in the sanctuary were praying for his salvtion! (: (: God is so so so amazing! Praise You GOD!
My heart overflows with praise to the Lord...
you know now, Im still trying to take it all in. That my god-bro is saved. that God can save muslims. Yes He can. I just look at my little faith with great shame. Even after God has showed me the power of prayer, I still doubt Him, I still doubt if it really is true. Oh mel of little faith! How the heart is so deceitful, so harderned. I wonder what must God do then I'll really believe. He already did such a great thing, but my heart is still so hard.
Oh, Lord, help. Help thou mine unbelief. Help me to have faith in Thee, because without faith, it is impossible to please You. I'm sorry and ashamed dear Lord at my unbelief and hardened heart. Please take this stony heart and replace it with a tender heart. All that I am is Yours. I love You.
At this time, I'd like to request prayer for my god-bro. Please pray that the proper follow-up may be done with him, that He will be the first in his community to come and know the Lord. That when persecution arises, he will stand strong in the Lord. Thanks for ur prayers!
*If you want to know his name, so that you may pray for him more intelligently, you can come and ask me. Cos this is the internet and things are open for anyone and everyone to view, i wanna be a little careful here.
God has simply been so good! (:
People often have talked about the power of prayer and all, and just a few days back, I examined my life and realised that I did not truly believe in the power of prayer. Hence, I prayed and asked God to make the power of prayer real in my life, a personal knowledge, an experiencial knowledge that there really is power in prayer.
God has answered my prayer today.
Today, I saw the power of prayer. When I prayed and asked God to show me the power of prayer, I asked for the salvation of 4 souls- my god bro, Trevor, Eugene and Divya. God has answered 1/4 of this prayer thus far and I trust that this prayer will be answered completely real soon.
On thursday night, the day before Good friday, I was messaging my god-bro, in the midst, i asked him if he knew the meaning of Good friday. He didn't, so from there, I went on to explain the meaning of good friday and Easter Sunday. I shared the gospel to him through the reply. Our conversation on the things of God continued on to friday and even up till this morn. I saw that he understood the whole gospel, he said he did. So this morn he asked me what i meant when i told him 'i hope u'd think about what i've shared with you'. My reply was 'Do you believe that Jesus can and wants to save you from your sin?'.
His reply to my surprise was 'ya.' (O me of little faith!)
From this reply, I knew he was ripe, very very ripe for the salvation. All this was taking place as we were in our usual Uth Ministry prayer meeting on Sat morn and all the while, I was praying, pleading, begging God to save him. I then asked him if He would like to believe and trust in Jesus to save him from his sins now. His reply was maybe...then? So i told him the sinners prayer and added that the prayer does not save, it's the believe from the heart that saves. Upon telling him the sinners prayer, I kept kept praying in my heart that today will be the day of his salvation. I have never pleaded and begged God for a soul then today. At this point in the meeting, Ian was sharing about the groups in the ministry and about the various ministries and outreaches. But I simply couldn't concentrate on what Ian was saying. My soul was crying out to God for the salvation of a dear soul. Then the picture of how Daniel's reply from God was delayed bcos there was a battle going on in the Heavenlies. I imagined the same too for my god-bro. That there was an ongoing battle for his soul. I recalled to mind too, the account of the Africian Missionary and how 26 men prayed for him and were present with him in spirit that faithful night the African men wanted to kill him. God at this moment, was impressing upon my heart that I needed to pray for his salvaition. Yes, but wasn't I already praying? Wasn't I already pleading? No. God was saying, pray with your brothers and sisters in Christ present. There is power in prayer! There is power in the prayer of believers together. There were about 15 plus other people in the sancturay in that moment all obviblous to the internal struggle that went on within. Obviblous to the battle in the Heavenlies for the soul of my god-bro. Someone had to tell them, something had to be done! and something had to be done that very instant! I was hesistant bcos I didn't want to be rude to interput Ian as he was sharing. I waited and waited. Then Pastor Paul came in to ask Dawn to move her car and I jumped at this opportunity to request prayer for him as a body of believers. Ian graciously agreeed and asked me to pray. As I prayed, begged and pleaded, there was a moment in the prayer that I was quite certain that God had heard my prayer. He had answered our prayer. I ended the prayer and Ian carried on praying for him as well. I asked him if he had made the decision to believe in his heart in Jesus to save him from his sin and he said Yes! I inquired about what time he did so and it was about the time all of us in the sanctuary were praying for his salvtion! (: (: God is so so so amazing! Praise You GOD!
My heart overflows with praise to the Lord...
you know now, Im still trying to take it all in. That my god-bro is saved. that God can save muslims. Yes He can. I just look at my little faith with great shame. Even after God has showed me the power of prayer, I still doubt Him, I still doubt if it really is true. Oh mel of little faith! How the heart is so deceitful, so harderned. I wonder what must God do then I'll really believe. He already did such a great thing, but my heart is still so hard.
Oh, Lord, help. Help thou mine unbelief. Help me to have faith in Thee, because without faith, it is impossible to please You. I'm sorry and ashamed dear Lord at my unbelief and hardened heart. Please take this stony heart and replace it with a tender heart. All that I am is Yours. I love You.
At this time, I'd like to request prayer for my god-bro. Please pray that the proper follow-up may be done with him, that He will be the first in his community to come and know the Lord. That when persecution arises, he will stand strong in the Lord. Thanks for ur prayers!
*If you want to know his name, so that you may pray for him more intelligently, you can come and ask me. Cos this is the internet and things are open for anyone and everyone to view, i wanna be a little careful here.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Hello! :)
I'm at Claudia's place now using her family com.
We just went running around her place and the breeze was really really nice.
Thank God for wind. :D
We're gonna have dinner by the poolside ltr. Cool eh? haha.
Just thank God for A.Jill and her family's hospitability toward me.
Just now on the train to Claud's place was reading the biography of Hudson Talyor by his parents.
The title of the book is"The Spiritual Secret of Hudson Taylor", i just finished the 1st chapter onto the second now.
Hudson Talyor was born in a Christian Family. Amazing how he never thought he would get saved yet one fine day, he picked up a tract and decided that he would just read it for fun and ignore the salvation part. Come on, he had heard the Gospel i'm sure a hundred times alrdy. However, God ways are higher than our ways. Amazing how the phrase "The finished work of Christ" could stirr Hudson Taylor to salvation. Sorry, may I put it, it was the working of the Spirit in this 17 year old's heart that led him to salvation. On top of that, his loved ones had been praying for him. Praying hard they were. His 13 year old sister prayed for his salvation daily for one whole month before he came to know the Lord...
Stay tuned for more about the life of Hudson Talyor as I share more about his life in the posts to come...
I'm at Claudia's place now using her family com.
We just went running around her place and the breeze was really really nice.
Thank God for wind. :D
We're gonna have dinner by the poolside ltr. Cool eh? haha.
Just thank God for A.Jill and her family's hospitability toward me.
Just now on the train to Claud's place was reading the biography of Hudson Talyor by his parents.
The title of the book is"The Spiritual Secret of Hudson Taylor", i just finished the 1st chapter onto the second now.
Hudson Talyor was born in a Christian Family. Amazing how he never thought he would get saved yet one fine day, he picked up a tract and decided that he would just read it for fun and ignore the salvation part. Come on, he had heard the Gospel i'm sure a hundred times alrdy. However, God ways are higher than our ways. Amazing how the phrase "The finished work of Christ" could stirr Hudson Taylor to salvation. Sorry, may I put it, it was the working of the Spirit in this 17 year old's heart that led him to salvation. On top of that, his loved ones had been praying for him. Praying hard they were. His 13 year old sister prayed for his salvation daily for one whole month before he came to know the Lord...
Stay tuned for more about the life of Hudson Talyor as I share more about his life in the posts to come...
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Read something last night on a.Lisa's blog that utterly blew my mind about prayer.
Hope this blesses your heart as much as it has blessed mine.
Here goes:
"Thinking About the Importance of Prayer...
Mike came across this recent account of a missionary in Africa that really spoke powerfully to both of us:
A missionary was serving as a medic in Africa. Periodically he would travel by bicycle through the jungle to a near by town for supplies. It was two-day trip, so he would camp in the jungle overnight. He had always made the trip without incident, but one day when he arrived in the city he saw two men fighting. One was seriously hurt, so he treated the man, shared Christ with him and went on his way.
The next time the missionary travelled to the city, the man he had treated approached him. “I know you carry money and medicine,” the man said to the missionary. “Some friends and I followed you into the jungle alone. We waited for you to go to sleep, planning to kill you and take your money and drugs. As we started to move into the camp site we saw twenty six armed guards surrounding you. There were only six of us, so we knew we could not possibly get near and we left.”
When he heard this, the missionary laughed. “That is impossible. I assure you, I was alone in the campsite.” But the young man pressed the point. “No sir. I was not the only one who saw the guards. My friends saw them too, and we all counted them.”
Several months later, the missionary attended his home church in Michigan and told his experience. A man in the congregation interrupted his presentation by jumping to his feet and saying something that left everyone in the church stunned. With a firm voice he said, “We were with you in Spirit!” The missionary looked perplexed.
The man continued, “On that night in Africa it was morning here. I stopped by the church to get some materials for a ministry trip. But as I was putting my bags in the trunk, I felt the Lord leading me to pray for you. It was an extremely strong urge, so I got on the phone and gathered some other men to come to the church and pray for you.” Then the man turned to the rest of the congregation and said, “Will all those men who prayed with me that day stand upright now?”
And one by one they stood up-all twenty-six of them."
from "http://he-still-answers.blogspot.com/"
Wow! (: this is really the POWER of PRAYER in reality! This is the power that transcends countries and taps into the spiritual realm. If only we all prayed believing in the power of prayer, I wonder what would happen.
Majority of people would read the missonary account above and say "Ah, i was a nice story. It did make me feel all warm on the inside." and go about their lives just the same.
Few would read this, purpose in their heart, that if THIS IS the power of prayer, then we must be praying! We must be praying at all times about all things!
Which will you be, dear friend, the first or the latter? you decide.
Lord, help us to believe in the Power and Importance of prayer and live it.
Hope this blesses your heart as much as it has blessed mine.
Here goes:
"Thinking About the Importance of Prayer...
Mike came across this recent account of a missionary in Africa that really spoke powerfully to both of us:
A missionary was serving as a medic in Africa. Periodically he would travel by bicycle through the jungle to a near by town for supplies. It was two-day trip, so he would camp in the jungle overnight. He had always made the trip without incident, but one day when he arrived in the city he saw two men fighting. One was seriously hurt, so he treated the man, shared Christ with him and went on his way.
The next time the missionary travelled to the city, the man he had treated approached him. “I know you carry money and medicine,” the man said to the missionary. “Some friends and I followed you into the jungle alone. We waited for you to go to sleep, planning to kill you and take your money and drugs. As we started to move into the camp site we saw twenty six armed guards surrounding you. There were only six of us, so we knew we could not possibly get near and we left.”
When he heard this, the missionary laughed. “That is impossible. I assure you, I was alone in the campsite.” But the young man pressed the point. “No sir. I was not the only one who saw the guards. My friends saw them too, and we all counted them.”
Several months later, the missionary attended his home church in Michigan and told his experience. A man in the congregation interrupted his presentation by jumping to his feet and saying something that left everyone in the church stunned. With a firm voice he said, “We were with you in Spirit!” The missionary looked perplexed.
The man continued, “On that night in Africa it was morning here. I stopped by the church to get some materials for a ministry trip. But as I was putting my bags in the trunk, I felt the Lord leading me to pray for you. It was an extremely strong urge, so I got on the phone and gathered some other men to come to the church and pray for you.” Then the man turned to the rest of the congregation and said, “Will all those men who prayed with me that day stand upright now?”
And one by one they stood up-all twenty-six of them."
from "http://he-still-answers.blogspot.com/"
Wow! (: this is really the POWER of PRAYER in reality! This is the power that transcends countries and taps into the spiritual realm. If only we all prayed believing in the power of prayer, I wonder what would happen.
Majority of people would read the missonary account above and say "Ah, i was a nice story. It did make me feel all warm on the inside." and go about their lives just the same.
Few would read this, purpose in their heart, that if THIS IS the power of prayer, then we must be praying! We must be praying at all times about all things!
Which will you be, dear friend, the first or the latter? you decide.
Lord, help us to believe in the Power and Importance of prayer and live it.
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