Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Read something last night on a.Lisa's blog that utterly blew my mind about prayer.
Hope this blesses your heart as much as it has blessed mine.
Here goes:

"Thinking About the Importance of Prayer...

Mike came across this recent account of a missionary in Africa that really spoke powerfully to both of us:

A missionary was serving as a medic in Africa. Periodically he would travel by bicycle through the jungle to a near by town for supplies. It was two-day trip, so he would camp in the jungle overnight. He had always made the trip without incident, but one day when he arrived in the city he saw two men fighting. One was seriously hurt, so he treated the man, shared Christ with him and went on his way.

The next time the missionary travelled to the city, the man he had treated approached him. “I know you carry money and medicine,” the man said to the missionary. “Some friends and I followed you into the jungle alone. We waited for you to go to sleep, planning to kill you and take your money and drugs. As we started to move into the camp site we saw twenty six armed guards surrounding you. There were only six of us, so we knew we could not possibly get near and we left.”

When he heard this, the missionary laughed. “That is impossible. I assure you, I was alone in the campsite.” But the young man pressed the point. “No sir. I was not the only one who saw the guards. My friends saw them too, and we all counted them.”

Several months later, the missionary attended his home church in Michigan and told his experience. A man in the congregation interrupted his presentation by jumping to his feet and saying something that left everyone in the church stunned. With a firm voice he said, “We were with you in Spirit!” The missionary looked perplexed.

The man continued, “On that night in Africa it was morning here. I stopped by the church to get some materials for a ministry trip. But as I was putting my bags in the trunk, I felt the Lord leading me to pray for you. It was an extremely strong urge, so I got on the phone and gathered some other men to come to the church and pray for you.” Then the man turned to the rest of the congregation and said, “Will all those men who prayed with me that day stand upright now?”

And one by one they stood up-all twenty-six of them."

from "http://he-still-answers.blogspot.com/"

Wow! (: this is really the POWER of PRAYER in reality! This is the power that transcends countries and taps into the spiritual realm. If only we all prayed believing in the power of prayer, I wonder what would happen.

Majority of people would read the missonary account above and say "Ah, i was a nice story. It did make me feel all warm on the inside." and go about their lives just the same.

Few would read this, purpose in their heart, that if THIS IS the power of prayer, then we must be praying! We must be praying at all times about all things!

Which will you be, dear friend, the first or the latter? you decide.

Lord, help us to believe in the Power and Importance of prayer and live it.

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