Let's pray for one family in particular. Mr Kalek(i think that's how you spell it) despite hearing that this camp is organised by a church and there will be preaching, is still quite keen on sending his two muslim daughters to camp. Let's pray for God to keep this door open.
I thank God for challenging my faith, my mindset about how some people groups are 'harder' then other people groups. nonsance! With God all things are possible! Amen? amen!
Had a great time of fellowship with Jeremy along the way. He shared this quote on faith which he read from a book, "The greatness of your faith is shown in proportion to how long you can wait for the fulfillment of a promise." amazing quote! faith is not measured by result, but by faithfulness. by waiting on God in quiet confidence and trust that He will be faithful to what He said.
Hmm, before I met up with Jeremy, i was supposed to meet Glenda at 5 at Dover MRT. Waiting there, the Lord just gave me His eyes to the people. the multitudes, as sheep having no shepherd. it was the time of the day that all the students from SP finished sch and were gng home. oh how they walked by, group after group, pair after pair all engaged in their own conversations, obvlious to their eternal destiny. I wished i could stop them, grab all of them, bring them to a room and share the Gospel with them, tell them that God loves them and has a plan for them. oh, the masses. so many. and that is only one poly. one school.
"How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!" Romans 10:14-15
Oh may the Lord of the Harvest Thrust forth His labourers! Thrust us forth, Lord.
Critical thinking. this is something i needa develop. Having grew up in a society and environment where everything has been thought through for me, my mind has become so lazy to think, to analyse. Of course, not the extreme of being overly critical, but just -i would say- evaluation. Why do we do what we do? is it cos we've been doing it all along? or what can we learn from things happening around us? The world is our classroom and the Holy Spirit is our teacher.
So, the session tonight. How can we improve? Why Bishan? What sort of blocks should we target? How do we approach the parents, what is the best way? Hmm.. is going door to door the best way to reach the children? We need to think, we needa evaluate. Not just do something and then say - okay, i've done my best. is this really my best? i'm not just saying this Children's camp going out on the street thingy. but this applies to anything and everything. Lord, help.
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