today marks the start of a very exciting Journey! (: and im excited!
today was the first day of "The Exchange Life" course with a.Lisa. and im so looking forward to the days to come. Its just amazing how God has prepared my heart for this. Without knowing whatever text she's gonna use, somehow, i started listening to the audio version of the Bible - Romans 6-8. I came across these chapters one day when i was very down and decided to go to botanics to spend some time with God. There, I knew i had to read God's Word, but I didn't know where to start and what to read. I decided to read the book of Romans. I read form the 1st Chapter to Chapter 8. I felt that there was something special abt chapters 6-8. and rightly so. today I learnt that Romans 6-8 address the issue of after becoming a Christian, now what? now how do i live that Christ life?
I hope to share my experiences from 'the exchanged life' and what i've learnt, here so you too may be blessed. rest assured, all that is shared in class among all my classmates is confidental, i'll only share here nugguts of truth gleamed and my own personal sharing. (:
here goes!
have you ever wondered if that abundant life that Jesus talked about in John 10:10 is really available for the Christian today? I have and many times, the devil will come and whisper in my ear.."no, its not possible".. what rubbish! IT IS POSSIBLE. what makes it possible? I tell you. It's the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ that makes it possible. For me, growing up in a Christian enviroment, sadly to say, i've never taken the death, burial and resurrection of my dear Lord Jesus to heart. Maybe like me, you've heard it countless times that you can even repeat the whole gospel message from memory. but i'd like to ask you, do you actually understand the fulness of the message? what the death, burial and resurrection of Christ means to me today? i don't think i do. but i would like to, and i pray that God will make all these so real to me in the days ahead as I think about and study more about His work on the cross and how it affects my life today.
well, in today's reading, i gleamed many truths, some of which i have not fully grasped yet. but well, here are some.
As taken from "Victory in Christ by Charles Trumpbull:
What are the conditions for a Victorious Life?
Surrender and Faith
but you may say, i've surrendered already. Why is there still no victory? The reason is that while there is no victory without surrender, there may be surrender without victory. Sometimes we may have "let go" but we may not have "let God". We may have surrendered our sins to Christ, but not our wills. Every habit of our lives, every ambition, dream, loved one, possession and our very self- He must have all these if He is to make Himself not only our Savior, but our life.
Many times when sharing the gospel with an unsaved one, we talk about how Jesus' death on the cross has freed us from the penalty of sin. Yes, that's true. But do we not know too that His death has freed us from the Power of Sin. and even if we know it, do we live like we know it?
what does it mean to be freed from the power of sin? simply put, sin has no more control over us. we are now able not to have to sin any longer. This truth should be absolutely revolutionary for the believer! (: Praise God, I am free from the power of sin!
How then can and does this being freed from the power of sin take effect in my life?
Jesus offers to set us free not only from the penalty of out sin, but also from its power. Each of these two gifts are offered on the same terms: We accept only by letting Him do it all, as an outright gift. Every Christian has accepted the first offer. But many have failed to accept the second. Why is that so? I think it's because like me, many times, I believe that my own effort, and will and determination-with Christ's help, of course-is the way to victory. This just blew my mind. You mean i can't do anything? I have to simply accept that Jesus has done it all? Yes, Christ's offer to us here and now is immediate and complete freedom from the power of known sin. Praise God! Therefore, let us start praising Him for victory, instead of praying for it. He already has given us the Victory! (:
this has been a lengthy and heavy post. There still is more, but we'll probably save it for another time. ;) for now, if you don't like to read and skipped through everything written above, I hope you walk away with one thought, that is - the Victorous Christian Life IS POSSIBLE for all Christians today! Possible because we have been freed from the power of sin if we but accept Christ's offer. Possible too cos of other reasons which have yet to be addressed. :D
okay, on a side note, there has been something else that has been on my mind.
To her who is in love with him;
To him who is in love with her.
We all have special people in our hearts, don't we?
People who have made a difference in our lives, somehow.
For the married, it may be your spouse, your kids.
For the single, the apple of you eye of another gender?
For youth, it could be anybody? haha.
I too have someone. Someone who has made a huge impact on my life. Someone whom I really thank God for.
Well, I've been thinking...
If only I could love to talk to God as much as I love to talk to him/her.
What would our prayer life be like, i wonder?
Wouldn't we not be talking to God 24/7?
If only we could love to spend time with God as much as we love to spend time with him/her.
If only we could love to be in God's presence as much as we love to be in the presence of the one we love.
Will we not then go into the presence of our Creator King whenever we can?
Will we not run to His presence just to feel the warm of His glow and smell the sweet fragrace of Christ?
If only we could love to go to God's House as much as we love to go to the house of him/her.
Will we not be found in the House of God as often as we can go there?
If only we could love to hear what God has to say to us as much as we love to hear him/her talk to us.
Will not the Bible become our favourite and most well read book?
If only we God for who He is, putting all else this world could afford aside.
If only... it is not an if! It is a can. Yes, we can. May we this day purpose in our heart to love Jesus with a love so strong that no love for any other in this world could compete. Let us love Jesus, for who He is, for all He has done.
Love demands love.
God commendeth His love towards us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
How much do you love me, Jesus?
"This much" replied Jesus, and with that we see His arms outstreched on that cruel cross.
Every drop of blood shed, every strip He bore for you and me cries out in love.
Oh, it was all out of love, for love. For you and me.
Friend, if you have not, why not pause and take some time now to thank God for His love and let Him know your heart. That you want to love Him supremely above everything else this world may offer.
Jesus, my heart has grown so so cold. Please warm my heart again, to You, to Your love. I thank you love me the way I am. Please be real to me, dear Jesus. I desire You, I long for You, and yet, my heart is so cold. Please melt my heart. I want to love you as I should. Know You as I should. Draw me to an ever deeper relationship with You. You have my heart, here it is; make it Yours. I love You.
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